Maurice Edward Haigh
Morris [should read Maurice] Edward Haigh, son of John and Sarah Haigh, was born at the present residence of his parents in Appanoose township, Hancock County, Illinois, on Nov. 1, 1868. He was one of a family of 13, 2 preceding him in death, Benjamin and Mrs. Annie Siegrist. He was married to Zoa M. martin on Oct. 14, 1890. By this union were born 3 children, Gayle [should be Gail] Edward, Vivian, and Elsie. One of his commendable characteristics was his love of home, being a dutiful son, kind and affectionate husband and a loving father. Also a peaceable and obliging neighbor and a loyal citizen. Consequently, he enjoyed the friendship of all with whom he was intimately acquainted. Furthermore he showed his regard for his family, not only by providing during life to the best of his ability, but by making provision for them after his death by uniting with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Royal Neighbors.
Although he never affiliated in church relationship, yet he was frequently in attendance upon the services at the Apanoose Presbyterian church of which his widow is a member.
Being desirous of improving his condition and believing that better opportunities would present themselves to him in the West, he left this vicinity March 18, 1901, full of ambition and apparent future brightness and prosperity for Butte City, Montana, shortly after he visited Idaho Falls, Idaho, where he secured employment.
He contacted a cold April 12 which speedily developed into pneumonia, resulting in his death at 7 p.m. April 18, 1901.
Besides his wife and children, he leaves a father and mother, 3 sisters and 7 brothers to mourn his departure; all residing in this vicinity except a sister and brother in California, a sister in Montana, a brother in Nebraska and one in Iowa.
The remains, accompanied by Frank Martin, brother-in-law of the deceased, arrived Tuesday morning. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Appanoose Presbyterian Church. The funeral was in charge of the M.W.A. Camp of Niota. Rev. G. W. Comer of Fort Madison officiated, assisted by Rev. Dye of Appanoose and Rev. Bowlin of Dallas City.
The floral emblems were many and beautiful. Interment was made in the Appanoose Cemetery. The funeral cortege was the largest ever seen in that vicinity.
The bereaved family wish to express their gratitude to all those who extended sympathy and gave assistance.
Headstone in Jackson Cemetery, Niota, Illinois:
Maurice E. Haigh
Born Nov.1, 1868
Died April 16, 1901
“Weep not dear wife and children for me
for I am waiting in heaven for thee.”
-- Transcribed from a faded purple dittoed copy which was given to us by his daughter Elsie Haigh Dryer. Changes in parentheses were on the sheet, although I don’t know why this says the death date on the headstone says April 16 instead of 18. – Laurie Parker
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