Thomas J. Thurston was living in Ohio in 1844 with his first wife, Hannah Butler Thurston when Mormonism was brought to his attention. In his local newspaper, he read featured accounts of the assassination of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith. Thomas J. Thurston could not conceive that such a thing would be permitted in a land which boasted of religious liberty. They had heard of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his Golden Bible, but were not until then especially concerned.
“There must be something to it,” he remarked to his wife, “I will improve the first opportunity to investigate the matter.”
Later when two Mormon Elders visited the area to conduct a meeting Thomas Thurston went to hear them. He invited the Elders to his home for the night, and they spent hours discussing the gospel. Mrs. Thurston and her children, each religiously inclined to be enthusiastic Bible students, were greatly impressed with Mormonism. As soon as possible they became baptized and within a year had sold their farm for a good price. They then journeyed to Nauvoo, accompanied by Phineas Young and his family, and also a sister of Brigham Young and her husband Kent.
(This information taken from histories available at the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers museum.)
Here is a website that contains more information about Thomas Jefferson Thurston.
Here is a link to information on where they lived in St. George, Utah.
Here is a website with more information on the Thurston line.
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