Sunday, March 4, 2012

Newspaper articles from Three Forks, Montana

My cousin, Sandee Diffenbacher, came across some old newspaper articles from the paper in Three Forks, Montana where some of our Haigh relatives were featured:

Three Forks News
Three Forks, Montana

Thursday, March 23, 1915, Volume V Number 16, Page 4(?)

News of the Three Valleys
Happenings’ of the Week in the Jefferson, Madison and Boulder Valleys

Neighborhood Items Gathered by our Special Correspondents
Valley View
The Valley View boys started baseball practice at the school house Sunday.

Among the Saturday visitors to the city were...
Gail Haigh and wife.

Also in this issue:
Three Forks Hospital Receives its First Patients This Week

Thursday, December 7, 1916, Volume VII, Number 1, Page 9, Column 2

Three Forks Local and Personal
Happenings” of Interest in and Around the City
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Haigh are rejoicing over the arrival of a bright baby girl born Saturday, December 2.

Note: This would be Evelyn Marjorie, born 2 December 1916.

Also in this issue; a full page advertisement, (with a drawing of Sacajawea):
Sacajawea Flour
Three Forks Milling Co.
Is offered for sale in any quantity at $5.00 for 98lb sack

Three Forks News
Three Forks, Montana

Thursday, March 13, 1930
Volume XX, Number Eleven, Page 1, Column 2

Weekly News Letter Three Forks School
Third Grade Notes

Arlene Haigh
, Bobbie Kelly and Newell Price from the second grade are trying to do third grade work. They did very well in tests and we hope they can do our work.

Thursday, March 20, 1930, Volume XX, Number Twelve, Page 1

Weekly News Letter, Three Forks School
Eight Grade News
Maurice Haigh was excused from school Tuesday morning on account of the mumps.
Fifth and Sixth Grade Notes
The following were neither absent nor tardy the sixth month of school: Jesse Haigh...

Thursday, April 6, 1933, Volume Twenty Three, Number Thirteen, Page 7

Three Forks Personal and Local News
Parents of New Son
A bright baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gail Haigh, Tuesday night at their home on the west side.
Note: This would be Donald Lee Haigh, born 4 April.

Three Forks News
Three Forks, Montana

Thursday, March 15, 1934, Volume Twenty Four, Number 11

Jessie and Evelyn Haigh
motored to Manhatten Sunday.

December 20, 1934, Volume 24 Number 50, Page 10

The Social Whirl
Christmas shopping and motoring occupied high school students during the
week end.
Evelyn Haigh, Jessie Haigh, Mary Shadduck, Faye Torginson and Mildred Schraff motored to Bozeman Saturday and spent the day shopping.

Advertisement in this issue:
New York Globe Trotters Basketball Game, Monday, December 24, 8pm
All Star Team from Three Forks, Manhatten and Townsend
Adults 40 cents, Children 23 cents

Thursday, February 28, 1935
Volume Twenty-five, Number Nine, Page Seven, Column 1

Three Forks School News
Mildred Townsly Makes Highest Score In Typing One
Mildred Townsly typed 39 words a minute and Russell Pogreba 32 words a minute in a speed test given in the Commercial room Thursday, February 21.
In second year typing, Rolla Weiser made 56 words per minute and Evelyn Haigh 45 words.

Three Forks News
Three Forks, Montana

Thursday, November 12, 1936,
Volume Twenty Six, Number Forty-Six, Page 1

Secured Three Elk

A group of hunters, Gail Haigh, Ed Chryst, Bob Gordon and Mr. Bunt (?) returned Tuesday night after a few days hunting trip up the Gallatin Canyon and brought back three fine elk. We trust that the editors table will be graced, etc.

Three Forks News
Three Forks, Montana

Thursday, May 18, 1939
Volume Twenty-Nine, Number Nineteen, Page 1

Three Forks School Preparing For the Closing Day With Graduations
Commencement will be conducted on Wednesday, May 24 at 8 o’clock in the gym auditorium...
Graduating exercises will be held on Tuesday, May 23 at 8 o’clock in the gym for the eighth grades. The traditional graduating program will be given. Those who expect to be graduates are: Rex Burns, Madaline Doore, James Fraser, June Haigh, Eileen Lamb, Mary K. Lane, Hazel Matthis, Jean Maudline, Jack Parr, Leora Price, Janet Stentz, Alice Van Dolan and Billy Aldrich.
The 7th and 8th grade pupils and Instructor George Dinsley will spend Wednesday, May 24 at Bozeman Hot Springs, the event being the annual class picnic.
Every pupil is eagerly looking forward to the day.
Senior Class Day
A street scene will be the theme of the seniors Class Day, Monday May 22 in the high school gym.
The public is invited to come and hear the history of the seniors, to hear their will, prophesy, poem and their class song.
Plans for the class day are well under way and it is expected to be very interesting.
Queen of the Prom
As the last strands of the grand march died away the couples formed a line down the center of the beautifully decorated gym, Miss Arlene Haigh stepped from behind the curtains and walked to her throne, where she was crowned Queen of the Prom by Bob Burkett junior class president. She was followed by princesses Harriet Price, Veda Spoonmore, Carol Gilbert, Ruth deVries, Mary Gail Fiske and Enogine Gilbert.
The flower girls were Barbara Bergen, Marjorie Swaab, Violet Belloch and Marjorie Lane. Little Jerry Lane carried the queens’ crown.
A large crowd was in attendance and everyone reported having a “lovely time”.

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